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Gen3 Express

A gen3 tool to generate express app.


1.1.3 is released

tailwind css support is added.

  • a new file tailwind.config.js is created for tailwind users.
  • multiple server runs shifted to single dev keyword command.
  • all dependencies has been updated.


You need to know atleast basics about these things.


You can install and generate an express app using this tool in two approaches. Here I'm generating an app with name my-app, you can name to it anything you like.

1. node package extecutor

This method is highly recommended to generate an express app.

npx gen3-express my-app

2. node package manager

Generation of an express app is not recommended through npm.

npm install -g gen3-express
gen3-express my-app

Tailwind CSS

To get tailwind css boilerplate, you can add -t or --tailwindcss switches or flags while generating a site.

npx gen3-express my-app --tailwindcss


To add tailwindcss to your EJS page, use css/tailwind.css into a link tag.

<link href="css/tailwind.css" rel="stylesheet">

Because of tailwind updates css file according your needs, We need to run a tailwind sever with command below.

npm run tailwind
  • If you choosed tailwind css boilerplate then this server will run with dev keyword server.


To install all dependencies goto the folder and execute npm install command.

cd my-app
npm install

To start a dev server to preview page use server keyword.

  • Keep in mind that the below command does not provide live reloading in EJS and public files.
npm run server

To get live reloading in EJS and public folder, create another server with sync keyword.

npm run sync

If you want to run all these servers together then you should to use this below command, this command will provide you hot reloadings in every place.

npm run dev

File Tree

To know about the project structure read about files included in this code block.

├── app.js
├── package.json
├── public
│   ├── css
│   │   └── style.css
│   └── fonts
│       └── sans.woff
├── sync.js # configuration for hot reloadings in ejs and static files.
├── utils
│   └── netface.js # contains functions to show available ipv4 addresses.
└── views
    └── home.ejs


  • Custom name in package.json file ✅
  • Excellent terminal user interface ✅
  • Post this project to npmjs website. ✅
  • Add Tailwind CSS support. ✅
  • Use a lightweight server for EJS live reloading. ⏩
  • Prompt package.json file's details from user. ⏩
  • Custom local template feature ⏩



Contributions are always welcome!